The SOLIDARNA Foundation marked the new school year by signing contracts with 30 new scholarship holders from the Desa & Jerko Baković Fund, who will receive scholarships until graduation.
After the successful donor campaign ONE FOR ONE: Solidarity with a goal, the SOLIDARNA Foundation enrolled 30 students of primary and secondary school age in the new solidarity class of the Desa & Jerko Baković Fund, who will be supported with monthly scholarships until they graduate. The scholarship is not only material, but also a grant whose goal is to support the personal growth and development of students and help them realize their full potential.
Today, in the House of Europe, the awarding of scholarships was led by a former scholarship recipient of the Fund, Severina Lajtman, a student at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb.

“I received the scholarship in 2018, when the Fund was established thanks to Mrs. Desa and the SOLIDARNA Foundation. The Fund’s scholarship followed me through high school and was my “security”, but also an incentive to stay and live in Zagreb. She motivated me to be a good student and to persevere in achieving my dreams. Today I study and work, but I also try to support young people who are exposed to discrimination, because, unfortunately, injustice and discrimination are something that I also felt growing up”, said Severina Lajtman at the awarding of scholarships.

As a society and community, we should share the responsibility of taking care of children and invest in young people and every child who has a vision, and a desire to realize a dream. And we can only do that together.
“Speaking from the position of a person employed in that sometimes ugly and sometimes beautiful social welfare system, which in a way represents the state’s care for us, I am thrilled that different and alternative forms of support and care are being developed. And those who come from the society itself and the community itself. And that, at the will and engagement of people who wanted to make a difference for the future of children”, said Doria Jukić, social worker and member of the Council of the Desa & Jerko Baković Fund.

170 scholarship applications
The selection of scholarship recipients was extremely difficult for the members and members of the Fund Council, as 170 applications were received in a very short time. Candidates for scholarships were applied for by schools, centers for social welfare, local associations, and homes for children without adequate parental care, guided by the development index of counties with a focus on the most underdeveloped areas of the country.
“We received 170 applications for children who need a scholarship, and the SOLIDARNA Foundation has funds to provide scholarships to only 30 children. After a long and challenging selection process, we managed to select 30 children that we have the opportunity to support. The amount of the scholarship is not large, but it is sufficient, and with scholarships, we primarily want to show that we care about them. I believe that we will all continue the humane story of the Fund together and that at the next awarding of scholarships like Severina’s today, one of these children will tell the story of what it is like to be a scholarship recipient of the Fund”, said Sanja Sarnavka, a member of the Foundation Board of SOLIDARNA.

From the very foundation of the Fund in 2018, the vision was for the Desa & Jerko Baković Fund to become a long-term fund for supporting children. Activist for the protection of human rights, Zoran Pusić is one of the most responsible for the establishment of the fund, and the link between Desa Baković, whose donation of HRK 600,000 to the SOLIDARNA Foundation established the fund.

“Today, when I see the joy on the children’s faces, I am happy that the late Desa’s wish continues, to support those who need it, and who, with the support of the fund, will have the opportunity for education,” said Zoran Pusić at the awarding of scholarships.
The director of the SOLIDARNA Foundation, Ivan Blažević addressed the audience and pointed out that all the obstacles and barriers we have are not insurmountable.
“Explore your interests and passion and find your path to excellence. You can count on the Solidarna team from now on, we are with you”, he said and added that this scholarship shows the support of a large number of people, from donors to experts in social welfare centers, homes for neglected children, associations, and partners Foundations.

Information about the Desa & Jerko Baković Fund and ways to contribute to children’s education can be found on the foundation’s website: