IMPACT4VALUES is a Slovenian-Croatian support program for civil society organizations that promote and protect European values through their activities. The program provides financial and organizational support to smaller organizations so that they can better contribute to the protection, promotion and awareness of EU fundamental rights and values.
Impact4values is implemented within the framework of the EU program Citizens, Equality, Rights, Values (CERV). CERV is a European program worth around 1.55 billion euros, with which the European Commission wants to protect and promote the rights and values contained in the EU Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights. The program covers the areas of the previous programs Europe for Citizens, Rights, Equality and Citizenship and DAPHNE.
By supporting non-governmental organizations/civil society organizations, the CERV program strengthens the rights and values common to all EU member states. Rights and values are based on the principles of pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and gender equality. By promoting civic and democratic participation, the program supports the development of open, democratic, equal and inclusive societies based on the rule of law. Companies that encourage citizens to be active citizens and enrich the diversity of the European Union based on shared values, history and experience.
The CERV program is managed by the European Executive Agency for Education and Culture (EACEA), which at the end of 2021 announced the first public tender for the selection of organizations capable of distributing funds and strengthening the capacity of non-governmental organizations in EU member states. The Slovenian-Croatian consortium consisting of the Center for Information, Cooperation and Development of Non-Governmental Organizations – CNVOS, Slagalica – Foundation for Local Community Development and Solidarna – Foundation for Human Rights and Solidarity successfully applied for this competition with the Impact4Values program.
The total value of the Impact4Values program is 4,250,000 euros, of which 2,350,000 euros will be awarded to non-governmental organizations through public tenders, while the other part will be used for strengthening organizations (training, mentoring), networking, program management, etc.
As part of Impact4Values, we will announce 3 public tenders and conduct 4 multi-day trainings for project holders and other associations, a series of online workshops, organize mentoring support and establish an online library of materials.
Amount of available funds: a total of 250,000 euros
Of that for Croatia: 150,000 euros
Amount of funds for an individual action: 5,000 – 10,000 euros
Who are the funds intended for?
Civil society organizations in Croatia and their partners
Purpose of financing?
Support to organizations in urgent advocacy, legal, communication and other actions (e.g. appearances in the media, protests, collecting signatures, preparation of amendments, etc.), which are planned as an immediate response to various challenges (e.g. protection of EU values and fundamental rights, pressure on decision-makers regarding the work of CSOs), and support for activities that are planned as an opportunity (formulation of policies or regulations) with the aim of having a positive impact both at the local, national and EU level (e.g. elections for the EU Parliament, promoting EU values). Duration of actions: up to 6 months Start date of receiving project applications: November 2, 2023
Send action proposals to:
You can view the power point presentation from the Info workshop held on September 20, 2023 here.
All questions related to this call should be sent to Answers to the questions will be delivered to the applicants within a week and published here.
For brief technical information, you can contact by phone: Jelena-Gordana Zloić, Slagalica Foundation, 031 213 255, from Monday to Friday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Petra Mađerčić, Foundation Solidarna, 095 1683 438, from Monday to Friday from 12 to 3 p.m.
You can find an overview of approved small and medium-sized projects under the Impact4Values program HERE.
An overview of approved projects and the state of funds within the framework of the Public Call for the Defense of European Values is available HERE. Available funds on 10.12.2024. : €60,178.00
Total amount of available support: 100,000 euros
Of that for Croatia: roughly 60,000 euros
Amounts of support for an individual project: up to 5,000 euros
Eligible applicants: Beneficiaries of financial support under the Call for Small and Medium-sized Projects of the Impact4Values program
Purpose: to encourage cooperation between beneficiary organizations from Croatia and Slovenia and to support activities that will further improve the results and effects of supported small and medium-sized projects of the Impact4Values program More information about the Call and tender documentation are available HERE.
An overview of approved projects and the state of funds under the Public Call for Cross-Border Cooperation is available HERE.
Publication date of the Public Call for medium and small projects within the Impact4Values program: March 23, 2023.
Amount of available funds: a total of 2,000,000 euros
Of that for Croatia: 1,200,000 euros
Of that for small projects: 300,000 euros
Of that for medium-sized projects: 900,000 euros
Amount of funds for each project: For small projects: 10,000 – 30,000 euros, For medium projects: 40,000 – 60,000 euros
Who are the funds intended for?
Civil society organizations in Croatia and their partners
Purpose of financing?
Support for civil society organizations and their projects that protect and promote European values.
An extensive capacity building program will also be available to selected civil society organizations.
Duration of projects: From 12 to 18 months
Application deadline: May 29, 2023 until 12 pm (noon)
Send project proposals to:
Info workshop: April 11, 2023 on the ZOOM platform (recording available below in the post)
The presentation from the informative workshop held on April 11, 2023 can be found here.
You will find answers to frequently asked questions here.
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