Call Status: OPEN
Call Release Date: 30.08.2024.
Purpose: Encouraged by cooperation between users from Croatia and Slovenia and support activities that will further improve the results and effects of supported small and medium-sized projects of the Impact4Values program
Total amount of support available: 100,000 euros
Out of this for Croatia: Framework 60,000 euros
Support amounts to each project: up to 5,000 euros
Eligible Applicants: Financial support users under the Call for small and medium Projects Impact4Values Program
Subject Support:
Information Workshop: September 16, 2024 as part of Masterclass 2, in Opatija.
Send all questions related to this call to Answers to the questions will be submitted to the applicants within a week and published here.
For shorter technical information you can contact by phone: Jelena-Godana Zloić, Zaklada Slagalica, 031 213 255, Monday to Friday from 8am to 3pm.
Proposed documentation
Program Impact4Values sufinancira Ured za udruge Vlade Republike Hrvatske