Meet Abigail, our new intern: A psychologist with an interest in restorative justice!

The team of the SOLIDARNA Foundation has been strengthened for a month by two interns attending the European Center for War and Peace in Zagreb, among whom is Abigail Dundore.

Abigail Dundore is preparing to enter her final year of studying Psychology at Gordon College in Massachusetts, USA. Abigail chose Gordon College for its close-knit community, faculty, and location near seaside towns and the city of Boston. She is also a member of Gordon’s Global Honors Program which prepares students to engage cross-culturally and facilitates multiple travel experiences.

Abigail is deeply passionate about pursuing justice and human rights and is excited to work alongside the staff of Solidarna and interact with others who are passionate about justice.

“I have already gained many insights about social justice work internationally; although Croatia’s cultural context is different from the United States, many of the needs, issues and barriers are the same. I am very grateful to the Solidarna staff for graciously facilitating my volunteering experience!” 

Abigail is particularly passionate about addressing the glaring racial inequities that pervade the American criminal justice system. She is part of a student organization that facilitates racial reconciliation conversations at her college. She has also previously worked with a juvenile diversion program and at a law firm.

“Working alongside a diverse group of racial-justice-minded peers has given me the opportunity to further my understanding of racial injustice in America and highlighted the pressing need for anti-racist action. I am astounded by the pervasive nature of racism in the US.” 

Following graduation, Abigail plans to work as a research assistant in a neuroscience or sociology lab. After she narrows down and confirms her research interests, she intends to pursue a Ph.D. in psychology.

“As a psychologist, I plan to conduct research while also utilizing my degree to address the inequalities of the criminal justice system and racial injustice in America. I am passionate about restorative justice, and I hope to use my training as a psychologist to develop restorative justice programs in schools and communities.”

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