Meet Lindsay, the new intern: Social justice is her passion!

The team of the SOLIDARNA Foundation was reinforced for a month with two interns attending the European Center for War and Peace in Zagreb, among whom is Lindsay Sohn.

Lindsay Sohn grew up in a county north of San Francisco, California. Originally intending to become an actress, Lindsay attended Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, CA. Lindsay has always been passionate about social justice, and after taking a comparative politics course, she decided to switch her major to political science. Lindsay kept her theater minor and also added a minor in peace and justice studies.

She is interested in peacebuilding, reconciliation, and post-conflict societies, as well as LGBTQ+ rights in America and defending women against violence.

She is passionate about providing women with reproductive rights, developing accountability for domestic violence, and protecting women against sexual assault. Lindsay writes, “I am especially interested in the political, psychological and social dimensions involved in a society healing from direct violence, as well as lingering institutional and structural issues.”

Lindsay’s interests in peace and gender have led her to the London School of Economics where she will begin a master’s in Gender, Peace, and Security this fall. Following her master’s program, Lindsay intends to work with an organization dedicated to the protection of women and children. She is interested in pursuing human rights work in Europe or returning to the US to pursue a law degree focused on gender and sexuality. Long-term, she hopes to address human rights issues in America, particularly “the overturning of Roe v Wade, anti-trans legislation and pushback against initiatives such as critical race theory.”

Working with Solidarna this summer is “a perfect fit” with Lindsay’s interest in defending women and children. She enjoys the research, writing, and policy efforts she can assist with at Solidarna. Living and working in Croatia also provides an excellent opportunity to learn firsthand about post-conflict societies, a topic she studied extensively in college.

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