Author: Hana Perić
This month, the team of the SOLIDARNA Foundation increased by a few members, among whom is our new expert associate for finance and administration, Minja Marinčić. Having grown up in Zagreb and graduated from a “Šuvarica” school during the famed 80-s, she started working during the war and coordinated the gathering of aid for Croatia on the side. Throughout her working experience, she specialised in labour organisation and logistics and she stands out for her reliability, responsibility and tolerance.
“Through lucky circumstance, you needed a new person while I was looking for a job. We mutually assessed that I could take on the challenges of this position. The energy I felt was the most positive out of all working environments that were on offer to me,” Minja told us of her decision to join our team.
Out of the past projects of SOLIDARNA, the ones closest to her heart are promoting equality and the protection of women, and she is particularly angered by tolerance of child abuse.
“It is necessary to do develop consciousness of the protection of those who are weaker (women, children, the elderly, people with disabilities, etc.) in the sense that it is not only the responsibility of institutions, but all of us,” she points this out as the biggest challenge in the civil sector today.
Minja is also a mother of an adult daughter and happily married, while in her free time, she passionately follows sports and enjoys baking treats she likes to bring to the office.