Reinforcement has arrived in the team: Meet Vilim, the new program assistant!

Vilim Mance joined the SOLIDARNA Foundation as a program assistant.

Vilim has a master’s degree in political science, and from the very beginning, Vilim fit into the team very well, which did not surprise us because he shares and appreciates the same values ​​as Solidarna. As he tells us, he cannot single out just one project or program of Solidarna that is particularly dear and important to him, because he believes that everything that has been done and is being done so far is extremely valuable.

As one of the challenges in the civil sector, he states that the role of the civil sector is very useful, but that, on the one hand, it is insufficiently recognized by citizens, but also insufficiently supported by the state. As a program assistant, Vilim will have the opportunity to work on the implementation of EU projects, which he has always been interested in, under the watchful eye of our seniors Petra and Marinella, with whom he will collaborate in the closest circle. The rest of us will “hijack” him when a program opportunity and need arises.

Sometimes it’s hard to describe himself, but that works for Vilim, so he says that he is “a pretty good character”. In his free time, Vilim is a singer-songwriter who thinks that he is not to be thrown away. We are sure that he is not and we are impatiently waiting for his next gig to cheer him on as a team from the front rows, and you can also support him by subscribing to his YouTube channel.



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