Having an online presence is the everyday life of children and young people. Although there is an age limit for registration on certain platforms and social networks, it is not difficult to bypass it. Children and young people often engage in virtual interactions with insufficient knowledge and information about the way information technologies can affect their lives. That is why it is not surprising that a certain part of the population of the youngest internet users often encounter the negative consequences of their virtual life.
Internet violence is also called virtual abuse or cyberbullying, and it refers to any form of repeated messages sent via the internet or mobile phone whose goal is to hurt, disturb or in any way damage children or young people who cannot protect themselves from these actions. This violence can manifest in the form of text or video messages, photos or calls, and nowadays it increasingly refers to several other forms of communication, including audio, images, animations and photographs.
As part of the #YouthAgainstCyberbullying project, we have created an e-brochure with which you can familiarize yourself with the definition and examples of violence on the internet, the roles that young people can take in internet violence, advice on what to do if you find yourself in the position of a person targeted by violence, as well as advice for parents, teachers and other staff.
Youth-against-Cyber-bulling-brochure-HRThe project is developed by the #Erasmus+ program. Project partners: FIC Ungdom, Denmark, Ceméa France, Arci Liguria, Italy, Progressive Economic Policy Foundation, Hungary, IDC Serbia with the support of the SOLIDAR network and SOLIDARNA – Foundation for Human Rights and Solidarity.
Brochure written by: Azra Ayyash
Brochure design: Goga Golik